Thursday, February 20th

Food Pantry will not be serving - Closed due to extreme cold Temperatures and wind chill

Food Pantry

The Spring Hill Food Pantry at Life Spring is a ministry of our church but is supported through financial and volunteer support by the entire community.  Each week, more than 120 families are served through the food pantry. We are able to provide food to those in need through the generous support of the Life Spring congregation, the Spring Hill community and Harvesters. The Spring Hill schools, scout troops, Rotary and other groups have collected food and monetary donations to support the food pantry.

If you need more information, or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact us.


If you would like to make a financial donation to the Food Pantry, just click on the "Make a Donation" button below. 

Financial donations are most appreciated during this time. Any donated funds that we receive will go further than donated items when we use them to purchase food through Harvesters

If would like to donate food or other items, please contact our church office - by email or by calling
592-5433 and someone will get back with you. 

Thank you so much for your generosity. Together we are able to serve our community! 

Location and Operation

The Spring Hill Food Pantry at Life Spring is located at 210 N. Webster (northeast corner of Webster & Lawrence Streets on the Life Spring campus).

We are open on Thursdays:

     9:00-10:30 a.m.  
     6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Who we serve:

In order to meet the needs of our community, we serve residents of Spring Hill,Gardner, Hillsdale, Paola and Olathe (zip code 66062) only .

People who live outside of the communities listed above may come on the first and third Thursdays of the month to receive food from the Harvester's mobile pantry. 

At this time, the pantry operates as a drive thru where food is loaded into the back of customer cars. 

Please bring a photo id and proof of residency (current utility bill, rent agreement, mortgage statement, etc) for each adult in the household. If possible, please bring a social security card for each child. 

If you have an immediate need, please contact the United Way at  2-1-1.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.