LifeKids Ministry

Children are a blessing from the Lord, and with many young families that call Life Spring their home, we are privileged to minister to lots of young children.

LifeKids is our ministry to elementary-aged children. Sunday School classes for this children meet at 9:00. Children worship with their parents at 10:00, but we offer Kids Church for K-6th graders, who are dismissed from the Worship Service before the sermon.

Our Children's Ministry Director is Chanda Arnold.

lifekids nursery  & Preschool

We believe that you can never start too early in raising your child up in Christian values. Our nursery and preschool ministry is staffed by loving volunteers who care about your child's physical and spiritual welfare. 

Our nursery is for birth through 3 years old. Our preschool class is provided for 9:00 Sunday school and for the 10:00 Worship Service for 3-5 year old children. 

lifekids elementary

Our Elementary Aged Children meet for Sunday school  classes at 9:00.  

Children worship with their parents at 10:00, but we offer KIDSchurch for K-6th graders, who are dismissed from the worship service before the sermon. 

KIDS Discipleship Club is offered periodically during the school year for 1st - 6th graders on Wednesday nights - usually a 6 week class. 

REGISTER NOW for the next KDC that begins on Wednesday, January 22nd. (originally January 15th, but this class was canceled due to icy parking lot) 

We will dig through the book of 1st John and discover the simple truths of God's unchanging love, lasting assurances, and JOY in being God's child.  This 8 week class meets from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. and there is no charge.


Each Sunday, you will need to check your child into our Kids Ministry using the Ministry One app or checking in at the Lifekids Visitor's Check-In Desk. When you are checked in, there will be a  print out name tag for your child and a claim tag will be printed for parents to present at Check-Out. Both formats will include your child’s name as well as information regarding specific allergies. From there you will walk them to their age-specific classroom. When you return at the end of service you will Check-Out your child by signing them out or checking them out on the computer and then handing the claim tag to the teacher.

If you have not filled out an information card on your child, you can do so online now to save time on Sunday morning.

Thank you so much for helping us as we strive to make our Kids Ministry a safe environment for your kids to learn about God.


Every Sunday morning we provide a safe environment for kids from birth through sixth grade where they can learn about Jesus and connect with each other.

Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our ministry, and it’s an honor to serve with each and every one of them as they love on kids each week! Every volunteer who leads in the LifeKids Ministry has had a background check and is committed to making the ministry a safe, Biblically relevant, and fun environment for your kids.


We would love for all of our parents to be a part of our LifeKids Ministry. 

Please click here to get started.